- Alleviate Dental Phobias and Anxieties
- Consolidate Dental Treatments into Fewer Appointments
- Enjoy Stress and Pain-Free Procedures
- Feel Confident in Receiving Accredited, Quality Care
At Valley View Dental, we offer three different types of sedation:
- Oral Conscious Sedation is as easy as taking an aspirin, and you will feel relaxed and at ease. Oral conscious sedation does not "knock you out" like some other forms of anesthesia. You will remain awake during your procedure, but you will be in a heightened state of relaxation. It is also possible that you will not remember part or all of your procedure.
- Anxiolysis is a form of oral sedation using a light sedative, such as valium. It is not as strong as oral conscious sedation, so it is recommended for those with mild to moderate anxiety.
- Nitrous Oxide, known to many as laughing gas, is the most commonly used form of sedation in dentistry. It is administered by having the patient inhale the gas, which is carefully monitored by your doctor. You will fall into a euphoric state and feel completely relaxed. All feelings of fear and anxiety fade away, leaving you to sit back peacefully, while your dental procedure is performed. In most cases, all dental work can be completed in one visit, while you are sedated.